Lymphatic Drainage | Cupping

Lymphatic Drainage Services

In lymphatic drainage massage, the practitioner uses a range of specialized gentle and rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow. This stimulates the lymphatic vessels carrying substances vital to immune defense and removes waste products. The technique is designed to increase lymphatic circulation through the body’s natural filtration system.

The proper functioning of the lymphatic system is critical to our body’s ability to operate at peak performance. This system drains fluids, detoxifies and regenerates tissues, filters out toxins and foreign substances, and helps us maintain a healthy immune system. If lymph circulation stagnates, however, toxins accumulate and compromise cellular functioning, which opens the way to physical ailments.

This technique is performed with hands and fingers simulating gentle, wave-like movements. These subtle manual maneuvers activate lymph and interstitial fluid circulation as well as stimulate the functioning of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Lymphatic drainage massage can be a useful adjunct therapy in reducing edemas (swellings) and lymphedemas, relief of acute and subacute inflammations, relief of chronic pain or fatigue, detoxification of the body, stimulation of the immune system, and more.

60 minutes



90 minutes

120 minutes


Cupping Services

Cupping is an alternative therapy that involves suctioning the skin with glass, plastic, or silicone cups. It may help improve blood flow, boost immune function, remove toxins, and reduce pain.

Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This may relieve muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue.

The effects of cupping therapy include:

  • promoting the skin’s blood flow

  • changing the skin’s biomechanical properties

  • increasing pain thresholds

  • improving local anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism

  • reducing inflammation

  • boosting cellular immunity

Cupping therapy may help with the following conditions, among others:

  • lower back pain

  • neck and shoulder pain

  • headache and migraine

  • knee pain

  • shingles

  • facial paralysis

  • cough and dyspnea

  • acne

  • lumbar disc herniation

  • cervical spondylosis

  • brachialgia, the pain produced by a trapped nerve in the neck

  • carpal tunnel syndrome

  • hypertension

  • diabetes mellitus

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • asthma


60 minutes

90 minutes


60 minutes

90 minutes



120 minutes


120 minutes


